Kurt Maxxon Racing

Kurt Maxxon is a Stock Car Race Driver who becomes an amateur sleuth in a series of mystery novels.
Keep up with author Jim Overturf as his wife Karen explores the universe and shares their impressions of life in general and what is going on with their myriad projects.


Found my Kindle!

Well... I quickly realized I can't go looking at other people's  Book Blogs without being ready to read some of what they've found or what their guest authors have to say "in the big time."  There's too much fun in getting to know authors and characters, and wanting to read what their characters have to say about this, that and the other! The most fun about getting to know a character in a book is that my own personality can find it's way into the story. That's why I don't like to read a book after I've seen the movie, or see the movie after I've read the book. The personality of someone else seems to take over my reading, or the movie "left too much out" ~ after all, how can anyone cram the story's whole time period (a week, a month, etcetera) into an hour or an hour and a half of film?

So now I have a weeks worth of reading, and hope that I can quickly get through it (I used to read a whole book in an evening... before computers).  I'm going to restore that skill! I'm still reading (editing) Jim's efforts on his fourth Kurt Maxxon mystery, Centralia, which will debut Alisa Sharpe in 2011.  Meanwhile, Jim is also writing "The Reynolds Quintuplets," a future socio-political saga, and he's starting a new cozy mystery series that will include diet recipes. (Anyone notice the word "diet" includes the word "die" in it?)

I really have to give kudos to Dani Greer, of the Blood Red Pencil (Her blog is in the list to your left). Jim liked the way she handled the blog-a-day challenges, and suggested I follow along with her for awhile...The first thing she did was suggest I start hunting for book bloggers!



  1. Do you have the small or the large Kindle. I am about to buy one and wonder if the regular sized one is too small. Anne http://www.KitchenTableWriting.com

  2. I don't know. We bought ours shortly after they started out, so ours is white, and seems to be about page size. "Small" maybe. I do know that the pages don't match regular pages on this one, as you cannot "turn" to a specific page mentioned by someone else - referencing chapters helps!
